
Curious about what a coaching journey with me is all about? Read what some of my clients have to say about their experience working together. Are you the next one to join the team? We would be honoured to have you.

“Without you I never would’ve found the right way. I’ve tried so many things and I had really given up before I contacted you. I was so lost but you have helped me so much to find my way, and I am so incredibly happy I asked you for help”

1:1 coaching client

““In the first conversation that I had with Johanna she told me: “You can do anything you want. You just have to put enough time and effort in it, and if you do that you can accomplish anything you set your mind too! Isn’t that amazing to think about?”.
That really changed my vision on my goals and how I want to reach them. Suddenly it felt like the whole world opened up! I just need to keep making an effort and put in time and hard work and I can really be anything I want to be ”

1:1 coaching client

“ As time goes on I really start to see more and more of the positive impact you made on me and its really special. I’m really super thankful for you!! 💗 ”

1:1 coaching client

“ Johanna has not only helped me with food and exercise, but also to achieve a much more healthy mindset around it all – and also about myself and my self development. She knows so much about how the body and the mind works and that made me feel calm and safe and I was able to trust the process. I would highly recommend Johanna as a coach and PT, as she is fantastic at her job and also as a human being ”

1:1 coaching client

“I would really recommend everyone to have a little bit of Johanna in their life!!”

1:1 coaching client

“I feel so safe with you because I know you put health first and remind me to check in with myself and how I am doing, as it can be easy to lose sense of that and neglect your own feelings and well-being. You are honest and explain pedagogically, you make me understand how body and mind are connected and the importance of taking care of both parts. You’re good at sensing what I really want when I don’t know it myself 😂 You push and cheer on without ever making me feel “pushed” in a negative way. You always respond very quickly and give feedback in case I have any questions”.

1:1 coaching client

“I am well over 50 and doubted whether a coaching program with Johanna would suit me, but what Johanna has meant to me during the 6 months that I had contact with her, has been far beyond my expectations. She is broadly oriented, has a lot of knowledge and know how to tune in flawlessly on points that turned out to be important to me. And that was certainly not only nutrition, but especially deeper issues and patterns. Johanna is a wise coach who has given me a lot of care and attention, enabling me to take life changing, positive steps every week”.

1:1 coaching client

“You are always there when I need you, answer every question and if you don’t know the answer you find it out. You already do more than any other PT has ever done for me as a client. I honestly don’t even see it as a trainer/client relationship but my very dear friend from whom I get support and guidance. You provide so much more than just training tips, it’s a real lifestyle change that you help create. You are a PT, psychologist, role model, empathetic support pillar, motivator, constant source of positive energy and above all a very dear and good friend to all of us, definitely to me. If there’s one tip I can give you, it’s that you should charge us more”.

1:1 coaching client

“I know I have said it before, but I feel like I cant say it enough: THANK YOU for changing my relationship to food and exercise, it still sinks in with me more and more. And THANK YOU for continuing to remind myself and the rest of us daily here on Instagram, to listen to ourselves and maintain a healthy mindset about food, body and exercise. What you do is so important and has really changed me.”

1:1 coaching client

“It has been so special to be your client this year. You helped me grow so so much and I always feel like different person when I am talking to you: so empowered and so strong. The past months have been kind of rocky, but you have always been this really steady rock that I know, that always when I talk to you, I will feel so much better afterwards. There has not been a single time that I haven’t felt better after we spoke, and that is really special, because not even with my licensed therapist, I feel that way haha! You really have a gift, you are so amazing at what you do. I hope that you keep doing what you do – because you are making a lot of peoples lives better by it!”.

1:1 coaching client

“Getting coached by Johanna was one of the best decisions I ever made. It impacted my life in numerous positive ways. I got coached by Johanna two different times, The first time it was mainly focused on me learning how to deal with eating more nutritious and moving more. The second time as well, but overall more about self-love, self-care and bringing out the best in myself in all kinds of aspects in my life. I really could talk to Johanna about anything and she has so much knowledge about so many different kinds of topics about health (physical and mental).

1:1 coaching client

“Johanna really felt (and still feels) like a coach, a big sister, a friend and a therapist all in one. You can feel during her coaching that she really does this because she is a person with a big heart and she wants you to succeed and be happy. “

1:1 coaching client

“During the coaching Johanna gave me all kinds of exercises that helped me connect more to myself and find out what I want in life. I can also have really good conversations with her about for example body positivity/body neutrality. She is really open to new ideas and having these conversations was very valuable to me. Overall Johanna taught me to embrace my inner goddess, trust myself and be kind to myself. I still, every week (if not every day), think of the things Johanna has taught me. And I know I will cherish this for life! I would really recommend everyone to have a little Johanna in their life!!”

1:1 coaching client

“Working with Johanna has been an amazing expierience, in just two months i’ve went from constant binge eating to finally understand my hunger. She’s really helped me with knowing what to eat and how to eat whilst still enjoying all my meals & hitting my macros! The fact that she is constantly available on text helps so much, she’s a food coach you can truly rely on. She has really taught me what food freedom is and i think her way of working with people is something so beautiful

I just love how you work! You really make me feel like a friend more than just a client☺”

1:1 coaching client

“I no longer eat for others. I choose for myself. I like what I eat and I no longer eat just because its a habit. I choose. If I want dessert, I have it. If I don’t, I don’t. There is this feeling of freedom to choose – and I also know that I can have fun and enjoy myself without overeating. There is no guilt or anxiety. No more black and white thinking. I embrace the grey. All roads lead to Rome. I don’t hide anymore because I feel bad, ugly or fat. I don’t say no to things or put my life on pause. I can do things and have fun even though I might not feel my prettiest on some days. It is not only the outside that counts. I have learnt to accept myself for who I am and I like who I am. I like, respect and accept my body. Yesterday, I was in my bikini all day on the boat; I don’t have to look a certain way to be in my bikini. I have fun with food and training and I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. I do this for me! I live for me and I’ve found balance in life – MY balance!”

1:1 coaching client

“In the city and at the pub, I looked at all the other girls, just like I always do. But this time it was different. I am always jealous and compare myself to them, wishing I looked like them. This time I was happy with how I looked and I thought; I wouldn’t want to change with them. I am happy with my body as it is. It is the first time in my life that I have had that feeling”

1:1 coaching client

”I am grateful that I chose to change my lifestyle, reached out for help and made changes even though I felt unsure and afraid. I am grateful that I have started to take care of myself, make the most out of life, and do what I want to do – not what others want or expect me to do. I am grateful for starting to appreciate myself, be satisfied with myself and learning to look back at everything I have achieved with pride. I am starting to learn how to deal with stress and I am taking care of my body. I have gotten my energy and motivation back”

1:1 coaching client

“What to tell about Johanna other than that she is an amazing, strong, intelligent woman and always shining her light when you feel a bit lost. I started with coaching from Johanna because of my IBS, being scared of food and how my gut would react to it. When I was hungry I chose to push that feeling aside and not eat + I was racing through life and very low on energy. I was living life like that for years. As a result I lost touch with my body. Johanna helped me understand how my body works and of course how much impact my mindset has. She taught me how to take some steps back and tune in to my feelings, what my body is trying to tell me and what it needs. I needed to learn how to fuel my body and also how to fuel my mindset in a positive/growth approach. Johanna will always listen to you without judging you, she really creates a safe space and although she is my coach she also feels like a friend. There is always space to talk about whatever life throws at you and she will always come up with new ideas and different angles to approach the things you’re struggling with. So happy I have met Johanna and started the journey to a healthier and happier life with her having my back !”

1:1 coaching client

Did you know that the word “diet” means “a way of life”?”

*Spoiler: Deprivation, restrictive diets, and food guilt is not a way of life 😘.

Find freedom in food and discover the secrets to eating without restrictions, food rules, and guilt

A temporary way of eating & living only yields temporary results. For sustainable change, it’s important that you learn everything about what, how, when and how much to eat in order to fuel your body in a way that aligns with your personal goals and values. That includes eating the food you love, going out for dinner with friends, sharing meals with family, navigating going on holiday and so on. I will show you that you don’t need to sacrifice health for pleasure, or pleasure for health.

No strict diet
No sacrifices
Learn the essentials of what, how much and when to eat
Get started

Don’t know where to start?

Feeling lost and as if you’ve tried everything yet nothing works? Then you are exactly who I want to help. Reach out and let’s explore how I can help you.